How To Remove Dishwasher Filter? [Through Expert Recommended Way]

How To Remove Dishwasher Filter

Are you tired of dealing with a clogged dishwasher? The culprit could be a dirty or clogged dishwasher filter. A dishwasher filter is crucial in preventing clogging of the dishwasher’s spray arm and drain pump. So keeping it clean is essential for you to take the filter out of the dishwasher. 

To remove a dishwasher filter, turn off the dishwasher and the power. Locate the filter, usually at the bottom of the dishwasher. Unscrew the filter and gently lift it out. Clean the filter thoroughly, removing any debris or residue. Then reinstall all the filter accessories inside the machine. 

In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of removing and cleaning your dishwasher filter, helping you restore your dishwasher’s efficiency and achieve spotless dishes once again.

9 Steps To Remove Dishwasher Filter: A Proper Guide

Separating the filter from the dishwasher and cleaning it is a slightly technical. While some may consult professionals, a little practice can make you do it yourself. If you are new at it, follow the step-by-step guide explained below. 

Step 1: Turn Off The Dishwasher

Start by turning off the dishwasher and disconnecting the power to ensure safety.

Step 2: Locate The Filter

Most dishwasher filters are located at the bottom of the dishwasher. Remove the bottom rack to gain better access.

Step 3: Remove Any Debris

Before removing the filter, check for any visible debris or food particles and remove them with a paper towel or soft brush.

Step 4: Twist Or Unscrew The Filter

Depending on the dishwasher model, the filter may have a twist-lock or a screw mechanism. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to twist or unscrew the filter counterclockwise.

Step 5: Lift Out The Filter

Once the filter is loose, gently lift it out of its housing. Be cautious as the filter may be dirty and contain residual water.

Step 6: Clean The Filter 

Rinse the filter under warm running water to remove any built-up debris, grease, or residue. You can use a soft brush or toothbrush to scrub the filter gently for stubborn stains. Ensure all parts of the filter are spotless.

Step 7: Check Other Dishwasher Components 

While the filter is removed, take the opportunity to inspect the dishwasher’s spray arms and drain area for any blockages or debris. Clean them if necessary.

Step 8: Reinstall The Filter 

Align the cleaned filter with the filter housing and carefully lower it back into place. Ensure it is properly seated and secured.

Step 9: Test The Dishwasher

Once the filter is back in position, reattach the bottom rack, close the dishwasher door, and restore power. Run a short test cycle to ensure the dishwasher is functioning correctly without any leaks.

How To Keep Dishwasher Filter Clean? 

Despite going for an emergency cleaning, it is better to maintain the dishwasher filter properly. In fact, it is possible to avoid clogging the filter if you use it correctly. So here are a few tips for maintaining the dishwasher filter: 

  • Regular Cleaning Schedule: Make it a habit to clean your dishwasher filter at least once a month to prevent buildup and clogs.
  • Pre-Rinse Dishes: Before loading your dishes into the dishwasher, remove any large food particles by rinsing them off in the sink. This helps reduce the amount of debris that reaches the filter.
  • Use High-Quality Detergent: Select a dishwasher detergent that effectively dissolves and removes food particles. In this way, you may be able to prevent residue from building up in your filter.
  • Avoid Excessive Soap or Detergent: Using too much detergent can result in excessive suds and residue buildup. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the correct amount of detergent to use.
  • Check the Spray Arm: Periodically inspect the dishwasher’s spray arm for any clogs or blockages. Keep the water flowing properly by cleaning debris with a toothpick or small brush.
  • Clean the Interior: Wipe down the interior of your dishwasher regularly to remove any grease, stains, or residue. This helps maintain a clean environment for your filter to operate effectively.
  • Use a Dishwasher Cleaner: Consider using a dishwasher cleaner once a month to remove mineral deposits, odours, and buildup from the dishwasher’s interior, including the filter. 

5 Benefits To Remove And Clean Dishwasher Filter

Over time, the filter can become clogged with food particles, debris, and other residue accumulating during washing. When the filter is dirty or clogged, it can lead to several issues that affect the performance of your dishwasher.

1. Improved Cleaning Performance: 

When the filter is clogged, it restricts water flow, resulting in poor cleaning performance. Food residue can get re-deposited on your dishes, leaving them dirty and greasy. By regularly cleaning the filter, you ensure the efficiency of the filter.

2. Prevention Of Clogs And Blockages: 

The dishwasher filter captures larger food particles and prevents them from entering the dishwasher pump and spray arm. If the filter is not cleaned regularly, it can lead to clogs. These clogs can result in standing water in the dishwasher or even leaks. Cleaning the filter prevents these problems.

3. Longevity Of The Dishwasher: 

Regularly cleaning the dishwasher filter can help extend the lifespan of your appliance. When the filter is clean, the dishwasher operates more efficiently, reducing strain on the dishwasher components. This contributes to a longer lifespan for your dishwasher, saving you money on repairs or premature replacement.

4. Prevention Of Unpleasant Odors: 

A dirty dishwasher filter can harbor food particles and bacteria, leading to unpleasant odors in your dishwasher and even on your dishes. By cleaning the filter regularly, you remove the source of these odors, ensuring that your dishwasher and dishes stay fresh and odour-free.

5. Energy Efficiency: 

When the dishwasher filter is clean, it requires less energy to pump water and perform its cleaning cycles. A clogged filter forces the dishwasher to work harder to achieve the same results, increasing energy consumption. 

Related Question 

How Often Should I Clean The Dishwasher Filter?

It is recommended to clean the dishwasher filter at least once a month to maintain optimal performance. However, if you notice any signs of blockage or a decrease in cleaning efficiency, it may be necessary to clean it more frequently.

What Tools Do I Need To Remove The Dishwasher Filter?

To remove the dishwasher filter, you typically need a screwdriver, pliers, a soft brush or toothbrush, and mild detergent or vinegar for cleaning.

How Do I Locate The Dishwasher Filter?

Depending on the make and model, the dishwasher filter may be located somewhere different. However, it is commonly found at the bottom of the dishwasher, near the spray arm. Consult your dishwasher’s manual or check the manufacturer’s website for instructions.

How Do I Remove The Dishwasher Filter?

Generally, you need to unscrew or unclip the filter cover to access the filter. Use a screwdriver or pliers if necessary, following the instructions in your dishwasher’s manual. Once the cover is removed, carefully lift out the filter.

How Do I Clean The Dishwasher Filter?

Rinse the dishwasher filter under warm water to remove any loose debris. Then, use a soft brush or toothbrush to remove any remaining residue.

For more thorough cleaning, soak the filter in a solution of warm water and mild detergent or vinegar for about 15 minutes before scrubbing.

Can I Clean The Dishwasher Filter In The Dishwasher Itself?

It is generally not recommended to clean the dishwasher filter in the dishwasher itself, as this may lead to clogs or damage to the dishwasher. It’s best to remove the filter and clean it separately.

How Often Should I Replace The Dishwasher Filter?

The dishwasher filter is designed to be reusable, but it may become damaged or worn out over time. If you notice any signs of significant wear or damage, it is advisable to replace the filter. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for the specific lifespan of your dishwasher filter.


In conclusion, removing the dishwasher filter is a simple yet essential task that should be performed regularly to ensure the optimal functioning of your dishwasher. Following the step-by-step process outlined in this article, you can easily remove and clean the filter thoroughly. 

Regular maintenance of the filter enhances the cleaning efficiency of your dishwasher and prolongs its lifespan. Remember, a clean filter means cleaner dishes and a more efficient appliance overall. So, take the time to maintain your dishwasher’s filter and enjoy spotless, hassle-free dishwashing every time.

Wilson C. Scully

Hello everyone, This is Wilson C. Scully. I'm likewise you. However, the main difference is that I like to share my kitchen and cooking experience with you.

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