How To Sharpen Cutco Knives? [The Ultimate Guide]

How To Sharpen Cutco Knives

Cutco knives are renowned for their exceptional quality and durability. However, like any other knife, their blades can become dull over time, making it difficult to perform precise cuts. Sharpening your Cutco knives is crucial for maintaining their sharpness and prolonging their lifespan. 

To sharpen Cutco knives, use a sharpening stone with a coarse grit and a fine grit side. Hold the blade at a 20-degree angle and run it over the stone in a circular motion, alternating sides. Flip the knife over and repeat on the other side. Finish with the fine-grit side.

In this guide, we will explore the best techniques for sharpening Cutco knives, including using a sharpening stone, an electric sharpener, and a honing rod. Whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook, keeping your Cutco knives sharp is essential for achieving excellent results in the kitchen.

7 Steps To Sharpen Cutco Knives: The Ultimate Guide

Sharpening Cutco knives require different tools and techniques than other ones. You may use the sharpener by Cutco or other sharpeners that are compatible with the knife. Below are the steps for polishing Cutco knives with both tools. 

Step 1: Choose the Right Sharpening Tool

Cutco recommends using their sharpener, but you can also use a sharpening stone or honing steel.

Step 2: Prepare the Sharpening Tool

If using a sharpening stone, soak it in water for about 10-15 minutes. If using a honing steel, make sure it’s clean and dry.

Step 3: Secure the Knife

Hold the knife securely with one hand while you sharpen it with the other. Keep your fingers away from the blade.

Step 4: Start Sharpening

If using the Cutco sharpener, place the knife blade in the slot marked “Coarse” and pull it through 3-4 times. Then, move to the slot marked “Fine” and repeat. If using a sharpening stone, hold the knife at a 20-degree angle and draw it across the stone, starting at the base and moving toward the tip. 

Repeat on the other side of the blade. If using a honing steel, hold the steel vertically and draw the blade across it at a 20-degree angle, starting at the base and moving towards the tip. Repeat on the other side of the blade.

Step 5: Check the Edge

After sharpening, run your finger along the edge of the blade to check for any nicks or burrs. If you feel any, continue sharpening until the edge is smooth.

Step 6: Hone the Edge

If using a sharpening stone, finish by honing the edge with a fine-grit stone. If using a honing steel, use a few light strokes on each side of the blade to straighten the edge.

Step 7: Clean and Store

After sharpening, wipe the blade with a clean cloth and store it in a safe place.

Expert Tips To Sharpen Cutco Knives: For Best Result

Honing Cutco knives require a few unique techniques and preparations. The tools and the process for Cutco knives vary slightly from the sharpening of other knives. As I learned the tricks over years, I have listed some expert tips to help you get the best outcome. 

1. Use the right sharpening tool: 

Cutco recommends using their sharpener for best results, but you can also use a sharpening stone or honing steel. Just make sure it’s appropriate for the type of blade on your Cutco knife.

2. Sharpen at the correct angle: 

Cutco knives have a unique Double-D edge with a specific angle, so it’s important to maintain that angle while sharpening. Use the guide marks on the Cutco sharpener or the recommended angle on the sharpening stone to help you sharpen at the correct angle.

3. Don’t over-sharpen: 

While it’s important to keep your Cutco knives sharp, over-sharpening can damage the blade. Only sharpen when necessary and don’t apply too much pressure while sharpening.

4. Use a light touch: 

When sharpening with a sharpening stone or honing steel, use a light touch and let the tool do the work. Applying too much pressure can damage the blade.

5. Check for nicks and burrs: 

After sharpening, run your finger along the edge of the blade to check for any nicks or burrs. If you feel any, continue sharpening until the edge is smooth.

6. Don’t forget to hone: 

After sharpening, use a honing steel to straighten and refine the edge. This will help maintain the sharpness of your Cutco knife.

7. Clean and store properly: 

After sharpening, wipe the blade with a clean cloth and store it in a safe place. Avoid storing your Cutco knives in a drawer where they can rub against other utensils and become dull. Use a knife block or magnetic strip to keep your knives organized and sharp.

Honing Vs Sharpening Cutco Knives: Which To Do? 

Customers often mix up honing and sharpening. They are not the same. This is why it is important to address the difference between them to understand which one is required. Both are for maintaining the Cutco knives but are done in different circumstances. 

Analyze the comparison table to note the differences. 

PurposeStraighten and refines the blade edgeRestore the sharpness of the blade
MethodUse a honing steel or ceramic rodUse a sharpening stone or electric sharpener
Abrasive MaterialSmooth steel or ceramicRough stone or abrasive belt
AngleSame angle as the existing edgeCreates a new angle on the blade
FrequencyAfter each use or as neededWhen blades become dull or damaged
Effect on BladeRemoves only small burrs and nicksRemoves metal from the blade to create a new edge
Recommended forRegular maintenance and upkeep of the edgeRestoring a dull blade to its original sharpness
Skill level requiredRelatively easyRequires more skill and technique

How Often Should I Sharpen My Cutco Knife?

Cutco knives are made of high-quality materials that are designed to stay sharp for a long time. However, even with regular use, the frequency of sharpening will depend on the individual’s usage. In general, it is recommended to sharpen Cutco knives every 6-12 months, but this can vary depending on how often you use the knife and the type of food you are cutting. 

Signs that your Cutco knife needs sharpening include a dull or uneven edge or difficulty in cutting through food. Keeping your Cutco knife sharp will ensure that it performs at its best and will make your cooking experience much more enjoyable.

How Do I Know When My Cutco Knife Needs Sharpening?

You can tell when your Cutco knife needs sharpening by how it feels and how it performs. If you notice that it’s becoming difficult to slice or chop with your knife, it may be dull and in need of sharpening. You may also notice that you need to apply more pressure to cut through food or that the blade is starting to slip. 

Another sign that your knife needs sharpening is if you notice visible wear and tear, such as nicks or chips in the blade. By paying attention to how your Cutco knife performs and inspecting it regularly, you can ensure that it stays in top condition and is always ready to use.

What Is The Best Angle To Sharpen A Cutco Knife?

The best angle to sharpen a Cutco knife depends on the specific model of the knife. However, in general, most Cutco knives have a blade angle of around 20 degrees. This angle provides a good balance between sharpness and durability, allowing the knife to cut through a variety of materials without getting damaged or losing its edge too quickly. 

It’s important to note that some Cutco knives may have different angles, so it’s always a good idea to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or do some research to find out the optimal angle for your specific knife.

Can I Use An Electric Sharpener To Sharpen My Cutco Knife?

Yes, you can use an electric sharpener to sharpen your Cutco knife. However, it’s important to choose an electric sharpener that is specifically designed for knives and to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to avoid damaging the blade. 

Electric sharpeners use abrasive belts or wheels to sharpen the blade, which can quickly remove metal and create a sharp edge. Some electric sharpeners even have different settings for different types of knives, including serrated knives. 

Can I Sharpen My Cutco Knife At Home, Or Should I Take It To A Professional?

It’s possible to sharpen a Cutco knife at home, but it requires some skill and practice. There are various sharpening tools available on the market, including sharpening stones and sharpening systems designed specifically for knives. However, if you’re not comfortable sharpening your own knives, or if you have a high-end Cutco knife, it’s recommended to take it to a professional sharpener who has the experience and equipment to do the job properly. 

A professional can also assess the condition of the blade and determine issues that require repair or replacement. Ultimately, the decision of whether to sharpen a Cutco knife at home or with a professional will depend on personal preference and level of expertise.

How Do I Know When My Cutco Knife Needs Sharpening?

You can tell that your Cutco knife needs sharpening when it starts to feel dull and isn’t cutting as easily as it used to. You may notice that you have to apply more pressure or use a sawing motion to cut through food. 

Additionally, if you see chips or nicks in the blade or notice any signs of wear and tear, this is a good indicator that the knife needs to be sharpened. To keep your Cutco knife in top condition, it’s important to sharpen it regularly, either at home or by a professional, depending on your level of expertise.

Final Words: 

In conclusion, sharpening Cutco knives is an important task to maintain their quality and longevity. There are several methods to sharpen Cutco knives, including using a sharpening stone, an electric sharpener, or sending them back to the manufacturer for professional sharpening. 

It is essential to follow the correct technique and use the appropriate tools to prevent damage to the knives. Regular maintenance and sharpening will not only ensure the knives stay sharp but also make your cutting experience much smoother and effortless. Properly sharpened Cutco knives will help you prepare your meals more efficiently and with better precision.

Wilson C. Scully

Hello everyone, This is Wilson C. Scully. I'm likewise you. However, the main difference is that I like to share my kitchen and cooking experience with you.

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